I chose movement. Movement is a way that I express myself through my dancing and twirling. I find movement everywhere in life. In art and lituature, many artists and authors use words and pictures to portray movement just as I do with my body. I hope you enjoy my blog. :D

Monday, April 13, 2009

the revolt

“There are experiences in your life that you will never forget my dear sally”
She gets in my lap and her big blue eyes stare at me intently, like I’m the only thing that matters to her.
“Okay daddy I love hearing your stories” and throws all her little weight at me for a hug.
“This is from when I was a young lad”

It was the summer of 1829 and my fathers work decided to send my father to Paris, for business.
I hated the idea of moving!
I didn’t want to leave my life and friends here but my father told me “We are moving and that is that.” You didn’t question father.
Once we were in Paris I hated it just like I thought I would. It was fifthly and we living in a two room apartment. Our neighbors smelled so bad that you could smell them from even in our room. We lived in a gorgeous house in London and when we went to France we live in this run down tiny dinky apartment where the five of us couldn’t even fit. Uhhhg
I hated being here and especially in the apartment. So I used to walk to streets of Pairs, which weren’t much better than the apartment. As I walked I noticed that people did the strangest things. Mothers throw their kids under their arms while they do their chores around the house, while the kids are screaming. Boys with barely any clothes walk the street because they can’t afford any. The buildings look horrifying because they are so run down with grime on them. From the distant it looks like a piece of rubbish.
While living in Paris there have been several disturbances after the Polish revolt and the overthrowing of the Bourbon dynasty. 1824 after Louis XVIII died his brother Charles X was an affirm leader of rule by divine right.
“You see Sally; the French don’t like a monarchy the want a democratic country.”
Charles declared the July Ordinances which gave him all the power on Monday July 26 1830. The day I will never forget.
As I walked through the streets as this was happening this was such an up roar throughout the people, I thought I was going to get hit with something. Men were throwing there empty wine bottles. Women has brooms and pot in there hand and some has there children in their other hand. It was a chaos to look at. The people were plotting against the government to take down Charles X.
By Thursday the streets with filled with fear and tension from everyone. My mother hated my father for bringing us down here and wanted to leave immediately. We knew there was not way out of the city with people blocking exit. I decided instead of being bored inside while my mother whines, I will go out side and see what the crowds are doing.
As I stepped outside, there was this beautiful woman with this raggedy cream dress running through the streets getting people to cheer. One of the shoulders of the dress was ripped off. She was carrying a flag in one hand but a riffle in the other. I couldn’t hear what the people were calling her. At first I didn’t want to get closer but her beauty captivated me. Then I noticed that my legs were moving but I couldn’t make them stop. As the more I wanted to go back and run away my legs were pushing forward wanting to see what was the beautiful woman was doing. As I get near I hear them cheering her name Liberty Liberty Liberty I got pulled into the trans and started to chant her name always. She starts to run through the streets of pairs and everyone started to run after her.
I got swept up through the crowd and started to move into the mod of people that were running after Liberty. We see guards up in front of us waiting to firer at us but most people are ready to take a bullet for their country. But I realize what I am doing. This is ridiculous. I can’t believe that I am in this mob of people ready to fight.
Then I stare into Sally’s eye because they are the most beautiful thing in the world. She stares up at me wanting to know more but I just don’t thinks she wants to know what happens. She just a little girl I don’t want to scare her.
Next thing I know I’m flat on my face having people charging over him. I must of trip but I don’t remember how. Then I see a hand reaching out to me helping me up. It is Liberty I can’t believe it. As she helps me up she hand me a gun and says “fight for you life, fight for you country but never let them turn you against your will.”
We fought together side by side for the rest of the day. She was the goddess and was this little boy with a gun in my hand fighting.
Then I blacked out and don’t remember what happened. As I woke up I was in London with my family in out old house.
I paused and Sally looked up at me with a confused look on her face. “ Daddy was it just a dream or was it real” “ I don’t know Sally I can’t remember

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