I chose movement. Movement is a way that I express myself through my dancing and twirling. I find movement everywhere in life. In art and lituature, many artists and authors use words and pictures to portray movement just as I do with my body. I hope you enjoy my blog. :D

Monday, March 9, 2009

Dance Class

Oh my god this music is stuck in my head!!! I don’t even know why these girl try I’m going to get the solo anyways. Mr. Jacques loves me and thinks I’m the best student he has ever had. I been dancing since I can remember. Europe next year is going to be so much fun. I can’t wait to work with the best teachers around. This petty little Ohio dance class is boring me. These girls can’t even dance correctly. They need to stop eating the fats and start to work out. 123…123 I been going through this routine over and over, why can’t they just do it right. This routine is so redundant. I could do it with my eyes closed Mr. Jacques always says one more time, which really mean fifteen times before he picks someone, who is clearly going to be me. I hate going the trying out process when everyone knows I get picked every time I don’t know why any evens bothers to try out. These steps are imbedded in my head: pas de chat, pas de bourre, pirouette, and arabesque. OH No I hear a snap!! Oh CRAP!!!!!

Mr. Jacques
“Come on girls one more time push harder you can do it.” This routine shouldn’t be giving them this much trouble. It is just simple steps put together and they are acting like it is the hardest things in the world. Everyone in the class is having trouble with this including Melanie. I can’t even believe it! This is my last performance with Melanie before she goes off to Europe but she is going to have a tougher time than she thinks. It’s rough out there; everyone isn’t going to be a kind as they are here. I was dancing at fifteen over there and it was hard for me to get a good brake. I was in the background a lot not really in the spotlight, when it was my turn my knees blew out, I never got the chance. It is grueling and it is a lot of work on your body. I hope she smartens up, prepare herself, before she goes over there. I can remember the day I had to come home to states. I didn’t want to leave but then I thought I could open my own dance studio and teach what I know to students, so they won’t make the same mistakes as I did.
“Come on girls point your toes”
“Pas de chat, pas de bourre, pirouette, arabesque”
Crap what is that sound!? Melanie is on the floor holding her ankle shrieking and crying. She has to be taken to the hospital at once. …. Now the hard part whom am I going to pick for my lead?

123…123…123… over and over again
I can’t take doing this routine over and over again when we know who is going to the lead Melanie the “star student”. I don’t even know why I even bother. I can’t wait until she goes to Europe then we don’t have to deal with her attitude in class and have fun. That’s what it is about anyways have fun, not life or death, come on now! If my mother weren’t making me try out I would be sitting on the side with all my friends. I hate being put on the spot. I get so embarrassed when everyone is looking at you. Thank God I’m not getting the part anyways so I don’t have to be put there all by myself.
123...123...123 oh crap if I don’t some how stop myself I’m going to trip over Melanie while she is shrieking. I can’t believe what I’m seeing, little miss perfect isn’t so perfect anymore. Now Mr. Jacques has to pick someone I wonder who it’s going to be.

Fan in the audience
Wow! This girl is so good. I can’t believe Melanie got hurt and Clara got the lead, I’m so happy for her. Clara has been dancing I can’t remember and has always been the underdog but, now, here she gets to shine on stage. She has been wanted this for all I can remember. Clara is the quiet girl in the back of the room who doesn’t say much but just absorbs everything in. She looks so good up there. I can’t believe how beautiful she looks in the white lace tutu. She dancing like her feet isn’t even touching the floor. Watching her makes me go into a trance that takes you away to a beautiful place where everything is happy all the time.
As she dances across the stage I look around and watch the people clap for her. She hears the people clapping and it makes a bigger smile on her face. She deserves this more than anyone because her dad just died just a couple of days back. She said to me “my dad will be watching me while I perform tonight.” As the curtains come down and everyone takes a bow she looks up to the ceiling and just looks. As she comes out by herself she has tears rolling down her face. I can’t figure it out if they are tears of joy, sadness or both?

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